Making Beer

Priming Sugar Alternatives

Bottle priming is just as ripe for experimentation as all other aspects of brewing. Consider these 4 alternatives.

Make Your Best Berliner Weisse

Berliner Weisse is an incredible “gateway” sour beer—approachable, fresh, and light. And brewing one can be easy! Here’s how to get the clean lactic acidity of Berliner Weisse in just a couple of days—or, if you’re impatient, even a few seconds.

Experiment: Home Pasteurization

Pasteurization has been part of commercial-beer brewing for quite a while, and even some craft breweries are using it. Homebrewer Jester Goldman set out to see how pasteurization would it affect the beer. Here are his results.

You, Too, Can Brew Like a Monk

Just follow the example of the monks at Mount Angel Abbey and ask yourself these nine questions before you tackle your first abbey-style beer.

What’s in Your Homebrew Pantry?

Homebrewers can take a tip from good home cooks who know the importance of a well-stocked pantry.

Make Your Best Honey Ale

No, not a braggot. With spring in the air and the bees waiting to get to work, Josh Weikert breaks out this ESB that uses honey as an adjunct sugar.

A Wee Spot of Malt: Scottish Strong Ale

When you want malt to take center stage, turn to a Scottish wee heavy, which offers the perfect example of malt writ large.

Brewer’s Perspective: New England–Style IPAs

Getting great results brewing a New England–style IPA requires more focus on process than recipe alone. Ryan Brooks, formerly of Coronado Brewing in San Diego, shared their process of developing a New England–style IPA in the West Coast IPA heartland.

4 Reasons to Try Open Fermentation

Despite the potential risks for contamination, some brewers insist on fermenting in open containers.

Make Your Best Belgian Blond Ale

Belgian Blond is a tough style to nail down, but here Josh Weikert shows you how to create one that is wonderfully fresh and clean and uses the spice, esters, and “Belgian” character as an accent, not a headline.